The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) created a Carbon Reduction Program to reduce transportation emissions. The Carbon Reduction Program requires NDOT to develop a Carbon Reduction Strategy in consultation with Nebraska’s metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs).


The Carbon Reduction Strategy provides an excellent opportunity for NDOT to highlight the ways in which it works with its partners that reduce transportation emissions while improving the safety, efficiency, accessibility of Nebraska’s transportation network. The Carbon Reduction Strategy will identify projects and strategies that reduce carbon emissions from transportation.                




The Carbon Reduction Program will provide approximately $9.2 million in formula funding to Nebraska annually for five years (fiscal years 2022-2026) which can be used to fund initiatives and projects detailed in the Carbon Reduction Strategy.  


Public Input Opportunities

This website will serve as a repository for public information related to the development of the Carbon Reduction Strategy. In addition, there will be multiple outreach activities targeted to various audiences.   


NDOT Carbon Reduction Strategy Report



Contact Information:

Jarrod Walker || Highway Planning Manager
